MPHC Accountants & Adviseurs N.V. is an organization of auditors, tax advisors and management consultants. In 2007 MPHC continued the activities in Curaçao started by Mazars Paardekooper Hoffman Curaçao N.V. in 1992.
MPHC is a correspondent firm of the worldwide Mazars organization. You can find our registration on the website of Mazars (, Dutch West Indies). On this website (direct link on - Dutch West Indies) you find also find our contact information.
Mazars is an international, independent and integrated organisation specialized in audit, accounting, tax and advisory services. Mazars can rely on the skills of professionals in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Mazars is the largest member firm of the Praxity Alliance (, a global alliance of independent firms. In May, 2010 MPHC hosted the V Praxity Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting in Curaçao.
MPHC and Mazars Netherlands ( work together through an alliance agreement. Our office in Curacao is also specialized in outsourcing services (see our brochures on Outsourcing General and Outsourcing Contacts). For example interim accounting management, support your staff with the year end accounting file for external auditors and all reporting requirements for your company.